At first glance at that sentence, you all probably think that I was mad, jealous, or at the very least mildly upset upon first hearing this via my brother’s text message on Sunday. But the very first thing I sent back to my brother (who has lived in
It’s weird, but yeh, I honestly couldn’t give a crap about it. Our team is SOLID, and we aren’t even near our peak yet. Our top 3 starters are mowing them down left and right(with Cy Young candidate Josh Beckett leading the way), while
Clemens says he didn’t come back to the Yankees for money or to prove anything. He says he just wants to bring NY another championship. And to that, I call BULLSHIT. Everyone knows that
So the countdown has begun until Sox/Yanks series at Fenway begins on June 1st. Clemens is expected to return by then, and one of those days could easily be his first start of the year. Can you imagine what the reception will be in
And speaking of that game, I think I am with Eric Wilbur on this one. It is entirely plausible that Jon Lester could be making one of his return starts that very same weekend in
I can honestly say I’m uber-pumped about the return of Lester. We need a lefty in our rotation, and his stuff his FILTHY. He can also dial it up to 96-97mph when needed. He was rolling at 7-2 last year before going out with cancer. He is going to be a staple of our rotation for years to come, and it’s gonna be fun to watch.
Other stuff that has had me talking…
This whole Schilling/Bonds ordeal. I love Schiller to death, and I know he likes to have the spotlight on himself, but man, why did he say that? Even worse, he didn’t even get his facts straight, nevermind that he talked about Bonds’ family and such. It was completely stupid, and I’m glad Curt apologized today on his blog. Maybe we can get this past us.
It all makes me now think of that mid-June series when the Giants visit the Red Sox. What kind of circus is it gonna be if Bonds is at 755 when he steps into Fenway(entirely possible at this point) on a day when Schilling is pitching? To be honest, it kinda scares me. I absolutely do not want one of my boys to go down I history as one that gave up the meatball to-end-all meatballs to Bonds. I just hope he breaks the record way before he gets to
Currently Drinking: My dad’s own home-grown brew!
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