To my surprise, a guy in class had on a Mariners hat. You have to understand that in a Japanese class, someone besides me liking sports would be like one of them not liking anime. Anyway, I find out that this might actually be legit. The guy is from Seattle and has only been living in MS for a few years. Kudos to him for sticking by his team my man, kudos indeed. Nonetheless, things take a turn for the worse. I ask him if he'll be watching the game tonight since it'll be Matsuzaka versus Ichiro. His response, "What is that, soccer?"
Let that sink in. Here's a guy, from Seattle, with a Mariners hat on and he didn't recognize the name Ichiro. I'll give him Dice-K because I guess it would be possible to not

He has received six consecutive gold gloves and shows no signs of stopping that trend this year. He has got one of the quickest swings in all of baseball. He was the second guy to ever be named League MVP and Rookie of the Year in the same year (Fred Lynn did it first). He has had over 200 hits in e

In no manner am I down playing Matsuzaka's ability but he has some enormous shoes to fill before he can come anywhere close to being the best Japanese player in the MLB.
I seem to get my post on in the AM, guess I'm going to have to change that so I can fulfill the what I'm drinking section. Instead of currently, I'll give you this.
Last Night's Drink: Horne senior's homebrew
Wow! That guy's freaking awsome. Makes me sad to miss it, but if he continues to be awesome I'll definitely have another chance.
I like the variation of giving props to a non-Sox player. It shows your knowledge of the competition and the sport in general.
Speaking of fans and their hats, I was just commenting to RBDS1 about how my Sox hat has acquired a nice degree of "fan's wear." It's not half bad considering I didn't spend a summer doing carpentry in mine to get that weathered look that someone we both know cherishes so dearly.
Also, you should post Bond's current home run tally next to your HR pool countdown.
Your faithful subscriber,
- Sox Gal
It's true. I love my hat dearly.
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