Thinking of my previous post about the Red Sox and how I came to connect with them I discovered another possible reason for my affinity. The thought occured to me while watched the Yankees / Devil Rays game Monday. If you read our timeline post you'll see that I do not care much for the Yanks. In fact, I hate them. To illustrate, as much as I like the Red Sox I do not own any articles with the Boston logo simply because I am still not too sure if I am a true enough fan having no direct ties t

Now it is more than obvious that one reasons I came to love the Sox is because we both hate the Yanks. Indeed I hated the guys in pinstripes long before I was a Boston guy. Which also reminds me of the early 90s. I was a die hard San Fan 49ers fan back in the day and not just because of home-grown Rice or one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time (Can-do-it Montana not Concussion Young). While I came to love those guys and everyone else associated with the team, I originally became a fan of the gold diggers because they were the rivals of the Dallas Cowboys who I hated dearly (Sorry Mal). They were one of "those" teams that dropped big dollars on big stars and you could just sense the smugness about them. Likewise when it was the Bills facing the Cowboys in Super Bowls XXVII & XXVIII I was rooting for Buffalo. It's just how it goes with me I guess. I'm much better identifying things I don't like and thus can easily decipher what it is then that I must like depending on what it is that I don't like.
So, the season starts off in a very familiar place with the Sox behind the Yankees. It's routine for us to be playing catch up, though I don't know if you can call it that after only one game. Either way I'm still so incredibly happy that baseball season is here. Finally I have something to talk about that only about three people care to listen to. Thanks Horne, Regg, and Miss Rookie.
By the way, I'll try to keep you all updated with how her schooling of America's Pastime in general and specific Sox knowledge is coming along. She's a bright one. I expect great things.
Between Opening Night & Day I've had plenty of beer for the week. A refreshing coke it is.
It is only your parenthetical apology that has you in the clear, RBDS 2. I would like to comment on your hatred for teams who "dropped big dollars on big stars." The Red Sox are only topped by the most loathed team in the majors regarding $$ spent on players this year. I grew up with the Cowboys, I hardly see how Troy Aikman compares to A-rod.
- Sox Gal
I will have to agree somewhat with the Sox Gal. The Old Towne Team has been second to the Yankees in overall salary the past 4 years. However, the Sox have managed to stay below the luxury tax threshold those past 4 years, while the Yankees have been above it those past 4 years.
Still, it is very hard for any of us Sox fans(you, Trevor, me, etc.) to think of our team as one that is restricted with payroll issues. In a spending sense, we are akin to our Bronx enemies. That's just a fact that we have to live with from now on. Mnookin and Simmons have stated the same thing in recent years.
Then AGAIN, Trevor makes very good points. It's true both the clubs have spent crazy amounts of dollars at players in recent years, but whereas the Yankees went all-out for every past-his-prime former All-Star they could find, the Sox tended to cultivate their farm system, make use of what they had, and mix in a veteran here and there to get a balance. It is because of this mentality that(like Trevor stated so eloqently recently) the Sox are able to throw $103 mil at a future star(Dice-K).
Only recently have the Yankees begun to create a good balance like the Sox. Granted, that be because Cashman is now in charge of all baseball operations, but their farm system is stacked, and it is only a matter of time before we see guys like Philip Hughes and Humberto Sanchez in pinstripes.
Just stuff to think about. We are more similar than most think, but we've been spending(and in some cases, NOT spending) smarter, in my opinion.
Way to completely miss the point of my comment, Horne. I was defending the Cowboys by using one of Vor's reasons of disdain against them to shed light on the fact that great teams earn the right to throw around $$ to continue their dynasty. I was not hating on the Sox for their investments, but rather using that fact to prove a point. But please drop a few more Red Sox-related names to show you know something about Boston, while completely ignoring my point.
- Sox Gal
sorry about that, SG. I guess I did get kinda outta hand. I COMPLETELY misinterpreted what point you were trying to get across. I need a typing restraint on my computer, haha
I HATE SOUR CREAM... What was your point again ? -RBDS2
You've made me a yankee hater, therefore I'll make you a sour cream lover.
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